Monday, July 11, 2016

End of term update

This term we have been learning about space and Matiriki and much more. For Matiriki we all presented a presentation about the legends. It could be anything a puppet show or even a mini movie. They were really fun but those weren't the only Matariki performances we saw. The amazing Court  Theatre put on a matariki show Thank you so much for coming to perform the show at Halswell School.

 On the very last week of the term we had Life Ed with Harold. We learnt all about how to be/treat a friend and the difference between bulling,being rude and being mean. For the end of the term we had a Wednesday fun day. There was sports,devices,movies and art.Students could choose to play  Minecraft (a building game), we had tournaments (like and if you won your prize was banqer dollars.

This term we have started using Banqer. It is an online bank account where we can earn money and learn to save money. It's not real money but it's worth prizes. You can get fines for not doing the right thing, create businesses  and much more, just like a proper bank account. The teachers control our accounts, paying us and giving us fines. They can give us learning achievements, finishing daily five and for showing our Halswell values. We think Banqer is awesome!

By Emma and Ross (studio leaders)

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