Sunday, May 27, 2018

Boys Hour

On Friday morning while the girls were at 'She-can Code', the boys became scientists and created volcanoes. We looked at the Hawaii volcano and the impact it is having on Hawaii and others around the world.

The boys were fascinated to learn that baking soda and vinegar react to create an bubbling explosion. It was great to see the boys working collaboratively to create their volcanoes!

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Pink Shirt Day

We loved seeing our learning centre surrounded in pink for Pink Shirt Day. It was great to support the Anti-bullying campaign from last week. Schools that encourage respect, value opinions, celebrate difference, and promote positive relationships make it difficult for bullying behaviour to thrive or be tolerated. To achieve this, it needs everyone – school staff, students, trustees, parents, whānau and communities – working together.

Monday, May 21, 2018

Cross Country

It was fantastic to see all the kids from Otawhito competing in the Halswell School Cross Country. They are tried their hardest to complete the Cross Country. We saw some fantastic athletes take part during the day. Congratulations to those that have made it to represent Halswell at Zones. 

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Cyber Safety

We had a fantastic session today all about cyber safety with John Parsons. We learnt about our safe circle and the information we are sharing with people online that can be dangerous for us. We need to show them our power! A great discussion for tonight at home.

Sunday, May 13, 2018


We had our school disco on Thursday to help raise money for our Jump Jam team. We loved seeing our Otawhito children dancing and playing games. Thank you to everyone who came and made it such an awesome experience!

Tuesday, May 8, 2018


Some of our Otawhito children have been practising their drama skills this week by working on plays in small groups. It has been fantastic to see them engaging with each other and using their imagination to bring new characters to life. We may have some future stars in the making!

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Otawhito participating in the Life Education Programme, with the focus being Digital Citizenship

Otawhito are involved in the wonderful Life Education programme this week and next. The focus for the lessons is Digital Citizenship, which we all know is highly important. This is great considering how many children use devices in their own time and at school, learning how to be safe online is crucial for children from this age onwards.
The children have been learning about safety around using phones, Ipads and computers. They have learned what is ok and not ok to share online and who they share with.

Below are a few photos of the children participating in the interactive lessons.

Otawhito Sport

Yesterday Otawhito children enjoyed the sunshine outside by participating in a range of sports. Each T group did two different sports. Every second week we will continue with this rotation so they will get to try all of the 6 sports.

It is awesome to see everyone giving the different sports a go, working with their team mates and encouraging others!

Below are some pictures of some of the children enjoying their games.