Sunday, July 26, 2015

Term 3's newsletter

Otawhito Year 5/6 Learning Team School Logo-1.JPG

Term 3 2015

Dear Parents/Caregivers;

Welcome to term 3. We hope you enjoyed your couple of weeks with your children over the holidays. They have come back recharged and raring to go. The first 2 weeks of school saw all of our classes enjoy a successful visit to the museum.Thank you to all the parents who gave up their time to help us on this trip. The children showed how they were ACTIVE by having impeccable manners and soaking up all the information that they were taught. This unit on Maori technology will continue over the next few weeks.20150720_105437.jpg20150720_110837.jpg20150720_110353.jpg

Term 3 topics
Maths: Multiplication and division,  Geometry - 3D transformation, Algebra – rules and patterns.  
Arts: Visual Arts (calendar art), dance and drama for this year’s production.
Writing: Persuasive (preparation for speeches), reports.
Spelling - the children have new lists of words in their notebooks. Please check that these are at home for the children to practise during the week.
PE/sport: Rolleston winter sport, Invasion and target games, gymnastics, athletics.
Athletics training will start towards the end of the term as school Athletics will be held early term 4
Social studies: Pre -European Maori (museum visit), Rugby World cup.
Rippa Rugby inter-class competition - later this term.

Dates for your diary:
Rolleston Sport continues until Week 3   5 August (No sport Wed 29th except for Rugby and Netball trials)
Whole School Production Week 9 14-17 September
Rippa Rugby Tournament Monday 27th July
Netball/ Rugby Zones Week 3 - Thursday 6th August
Speech finals Week 4 (TBC)
Star jam Week 4 14 August

Rolleston Sport
Rolleston sport will be finishing soon (end of week 3) and children will need to bring their uniforms back to school washed and folded. Children will need to listen out for the notices oas to when these need to be brought back to school. A big thank you to all the parents who helped referee and coach. Special thanks to the Netball parents who went every week without a teacher!

Halswell Rocks!!
This year we are having a whole school production based on Halswell School’s identity. As we are Otawhito, (Halswell Quarry), we are going to be presenting items based on the history of the Quarry and the Sister Cities. Each child will be given the option to choose which item they would like to take part in. Later in the term, we will be asking for help with costumes etc. The production will be taking place in the week of September 14.

This term we are focussing on Communicators, to work hand and hand with the children participating in speeches this term.  The children will be developing and working towards goals related to these ACTIVE characteristics.  A lot of the goal setting will relate to working effectively in an MLE and developing self management and social skills.  You may like to discuss with your child what their goals are and how they are progressing towards them.

Please feel free to speak any of the teachers if you wish to know more about the upcoming term.  Also, keep an eye on our Otawhito blog to see what we have been up to.

Kind regards
Anita Head, Sam Jack, Rachel Dixon, Carolyn Adams, Deb Kingsland and Chris Williams
Otawhito (Y5/6) Teachers

T30 Anita Head (Team Leader) Studio B Kowhai
T31 Sam Jack - Studio A Koreke
T32 Carolyn Adams/Melissa Barber - Studio A Kowhai
T33 Chris Williams - Studio A  Koreke
T34 Rachel Dixon - Studio B  Kowhai      

T35 Deb Kingsland - Studio B  Koreke

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