Monday, August 19, 2019

Gymnastics with Jono

Every second Friday for the rest of the term, we will have Jono from Selwyn Sports coming in to teach our Otawhito kids gymnastics. Last Friday we worked on our balance and stability which is a key part of gymnastics. As a group we worked on our core muscles and how we engage these when we are doing different activities such as planks and balancing. 

Fun Day at School on Wednesday

With a large majority of Year 5 kids on the ski trip to Mount Hutt on Wednesday, the kids back at school had a fun day full of problem solving, baking and games. We made marshmallow balls, using our measuring skills that we have been working on in maths. These skills helped us with measuring the ingredients for the recipe. We played hungry hungry hippos which was a lot of fun competing in pairs to get the most tennis balls. It was a great day full of fun and laughter.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Buddy Time!

Students in Otawhito look forward to Buddy Time each fortnight. T36 had an extra Buddy session this week and they made toys out of coloured card. This idea came from the new Toy Story movie where one of the characters makes a toy out of a fork. Look at how much fun we had!