Netball Mainland Session
On Thursday 6 July Tamika and Geni from Netball Mainland came to Halswell School to train with the 2017 Year 5 and 6 netball teams going to zones. They taught us a few games and they were really fun! My favourite one is called Around The World. It is where 4 people are in a square and 5 others are in the middle catching the balls and counting how many they catch in a minute. We all loved them coming in and hope that they will come again. By Kimberley
On Thursday 6 July Tamika and Geni from Netball Mainland came to Halswell School to train with the 2017 Year 5 and 6 netball teams going to zones. They taught us a few games and they were really fun! My favourite one is called Around The World. It is where 4 people are in a square and 5 others are in the middle catching the balls and counting how many they catch in a minute. We all loved them coming in and hope that they will come again. By Kimberley
Netball Zones
Last week the year 5/6 A and B teams travelled to Lincoln on the bus for zones. We put our bags on the stand and started warming up. After that we put our bibs on and went to our courts. Each team had one bye. Overall our A team played 6 games the B team played 7 games. The A team lost only one game and made it to Canterbury's. The B Team won all games but sadly they can’t go to Canterbury's. We all had such a great time and everyone was very supportive. We wouldn’t have have been able to do with out all of the supports and our amazing coach Mrs Hurford. By Kate M