Wednesday, June 15, 2016

this weeks post

 Cycle safety 

 This week and next week the year sixes are doing the CCC Cycle Safe program.They go in groups of three. Thank you to the Christchurch city council for coming and teaching us the real way to bike we appreciate everything. We have asked some years sixes what they think of cycle safety and some year fives what their looking forward to Max says (Year 6):”I'm looking forward to being able to bike on the road and not on the footpath.” Rosa says (Year 6):”I'm most excited about having fun on my bike outside.” Thank you Cycle Safety

                                                         Trophies and awards: 

Well done to Jade Griffith (T32),Harrison Sugrue (T35) and Logan Whittington Clent (T33) for winning the Junior swimming competition last term (Term 1). I hope you all love your shiny gold trophies, it will look great in your homes.

Spelling Quiz

Last week, 9 children from Otawhito went to Chisnallwood Intermediate to take part in the Spelling quiz. The teams were: Ameya, Willow and Indiana; Hugo, Samuel and Shivam; Mercedez, Sophie and Lana.

The teams had to spell difficult words, find dictionary definitions, word origins and abbreviations and some grammar and proofreading.

The winner of the Year 5/6 competition scored 99/100 and our top team of Ameya, Willow and Indiana scored an impressive 91.

We had fun and it was a good experience.

Great work teams!